Indoor bonsai Gollum Jade crassula bonsai forest
This bonsai forest was made out of cuttings and is meant to resemble the African Sahara desert landscape where there is a small oasis surrounded by trees. I can imagine elephants in the middle. The sand dressing has not been applied yet but the picture indicates a well developed yet small indoor enjoyable bonsai tree forest grouping.
These succulent subjects are very forgiving and go well in any office. It’s missing an official bonsai pot for it, though there is one that I would enjoy. The plan is to also create a false pond/lake at the front through 3d printing that can hold water. That can be surrounded by a bit of moss, whilst the rest of the forest is maintained short.
It could find it’s place in any dinner table, and would continue to grow with indoor lights, though at present it’s being intentionally kept drier and grown indoors with sufficient fertilising to enable enough growth for further maturation and thickening of trunks.
Please see included pictures.