Gollum Jade Crassula

This is the Gollum Jade that has fathered all the other Gollum Jade’s in my collection. There has been continuous replacement of the initial tiny succulent. It has been contained in a very small blue pot as you can see today.

I hope that the definition shown in this small tree, can be enjoyed in this picture form. I would also highly suggest that these indoor trees are easy to keep indoor and minimum care is required. Though for the purposes of full transparency here, I note that mine is kept under a grow light for maximum thickness of trunk. There are some branches that are requiring chopping, but currently it is intentionally kept a bit long and lanky for further thickening of the trunk. I also have recently repotted it - less than a month ago. It has a lot of trouble balancing in the pot. But due to the nature of these trees, the roots have bounced back well and the lip of the pot has now been sufficient to keep it without any wires or any additional support. So a small rock can be used at first when repotting such specimens and removed at a later date, a month would mean a dryish soil that is watered once a week, will make it grow enough roots to bind it to the pot.

I believe it won’t need much maintenance after this - as it will do really well on it’s own without the need for further intervention from myself, outside of pushing the growth back to enable it to remain short and contained giving the illusion of a very mature tree.

The tree is at least 5 years old since obtaining it.

See attached image for details.


Indoor bonsai Gollum Jade crassula bonsai forest